"I have never lain still for that long - not even during sleep at night."
Local Business Owner
"I don't want to leave."
Mother of 2-year-old
"I want all my athletes to do this."
Jacksonville State Coach
"I relaxed as soon as I lay down."
Local Realtor
"It brought me in contact with the 'collective human spirit'. I felt in communication with my deceased wife and friends."
Auburn University Professor
"My blood pressure was lowered."
Retired Nurse | Auburn, Alabama
"I felt my knots being untied."
Adult with a Seizure Disorder
"It felt like all my toxins were removed."
Local Client
"After my session I went home and wrote a report straight through that would usually have taken me all day."
A Community Activist
"I tried to think, but could not. My to do list just went away."
Local Piano Teacher
"Because of my visits to Harmony in 3D I was able to enjoy the holiday season."
From a Yearlong Client