I have lived in Auburn 33 years. For twenty of those years I taught piano lessons in my home as well as Music Appreciation courses at Southern Union State Community College and Auburn University. My BFA degree in piano performance was earned at the University of Georgia and my Masters in Music Education at Auburn University. 

I grew up in a house where everyone played the piano. Before I could go down the street for formal lessons, my aunt Wenonah wrote the letter names for notes in a book of familiar nursery songs. The very first time I sat at Mrs. Sappington’s studio piano I was hooked. It wasn’t just the tunes that thrilled me but the deciphering of all those squiggly line and dots that kept my mind busy. To this day I still enjoy learning new music and solving all kinds of puzzles.

During college in Athens, Georgia, I began teaching piano and continued until 2010 when I retired to enjoy grandchildren and traveling. With one set of grands living in Vermont and the other now adults, I started looking for another activity that would fill my days with stimulation and satisfaction. 

Over the last three decades my memory of taking a BETAR ‘ride’ in the mountains of North Georgia surfaced at regular intervals. Every ten years or so I requested information about the equipment which kept my idea for sharing BETAR with others simmering. Just months before COVID, I made a decision to establish a business offering the BETAR experience in the Auburn area. I am convinced that all who come for a ‘ride’ will feel the benefits immediately. My objective is to provide a comfortable atmosphere and competent assistance for anyone seeking a peaceful path toward more relaxed living.

Assisting me with the startup of this business was my granddaughter MaryAynne Miller who earned a degree in Music at Auburn University. She is now in graduate school at Loyola University in New Orleans pursuing a Master’s of Music Therapy. Her research focuses on the benefits of vibroacoustics such as built into the BETAR system used at Harmony in 3D.